Um Reykjavík Record Shop
Reykjavík Record Shop er plötubúð, stofnuð 2014, sem sérhæfir sig í sölu á nýjum og notuðum vínylplötum. Í búðinni eru einnig til sölu nýir íslenskir geisladiskar, kassettur, bolir, taupokar, plötumottur, tónlistartengdar bækur o.fl. Þá er Reykjavík Record Shop einnig plötuútgáfa sem hefur gefið út tugi vínylplatna síðan 2017.
Reykjavík Record Shop is a record shop in downtown Reykjavík, founded in 2014, that specialices in new and used vinyl records. It offers a selection of pop/rock, reggae, soul & funk, jazz, blues, hip hop, electronic and world music. In the shop you can also buy new Icelandic CD’s, cassettes, T-shirts, tote bags, turntable mats, music related books and more. Since 2017 Reykjavik Record Shop has also been a record label and has released over 50 titles on vinyl so far.